The Inspiration Movement
for Arts Leadership and Social Change

Vered Levy Unger is a multidisciplinary artist and  author. She uses the arts as a means of connection between people, between cultures and between man and Makom: which can mean God or place, the inner and outer places.

Her art focuses on social and environmental issues.

Vered   engages  in entrepreneurial community projects combined with the arts to help individuals and communities tell their stories and recreate them .

Vered also runs a clinic working with people to create a healing  personal myth.

She creates personalized healing mythological stories and maps

Among her projects, she designed Healing – earth-community installations in Israel, Germany and Switzerland and performed in joint dance projects in Germany  and Israel.

Vered wrote and illustrated the children’s book “Pink Dream Shift”, and developed workshops around dreaming ones reality.

Born in Jerusalem (6th generation) and lives in Kiryat Yovel.

A proud mother of three treasures.

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Facebook page:  Vered Levy Unger Social & environmental art


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